From apprentice to troubleshooter for banking giants. Former Calderglen High pupil Ewan Spark qualifies as Voice Recording Engineer, looking after his local council as well as major financial institutions.
Ewan Spark (19) started his apprenticeship at SVL Business Solutions just over 2 years ago, and now troubleshoots for contact centre banking giants such as Clydesdale Bank and Permanent TSB in Ireland.
A speedy journey for the former Calderglen High School pupil, but one which he has thoroughly enjoyed.
“I joined SVL to become an IT & Telecommunications Engineer, training with QA Apprenticeships. The last 2 years have flown by, and I can’t thank the team enough at QA and SVL for supporting and encouraging me.”
Ewan is now a qualified Voice Recording Engineer and has secured a full-time position with SVL, where he works as a Systems Engineer, responding to any problems large contact-centres may encounter on a daily basis.
This includes major financial institutions and local authorities such as Clydesdale Bank and South Lanarkshire Council.
“The toughest part of the apprenticeship was going through ‘abbreviation hell!’, trying to understand what all these new terms meant and where to apply them! Now I can deal with all our NICE “Engage” enquiries and am studying towards CISCO Qualification”
SVL Support Manager Catriona Connelly couldn’t be more proud of Ewan’s achievements.
“Ewan has been a star since he joined us. He worked so hard during his training and both SVL and QA couldn’t be happier with his progress. It’s great to see an apprentice engineer come from a local school in East Kilbride and quickly get to grips with complex I.T. software.”
A very popular and firmly-established member of the Engineering team at SVL, Ewan continues to enjoy working in the world of voice recording and the challenges this brings.