SVL and Clarity Business Travel have built a strong partnership over the past three years, collaborating together to deploy Calabrio WFM.

As the industry leading corporate travel company, Clarity Business Travel needed a WFM solution which would:

  • Help with shift management.
  • Provide accurate and timely forecasts.
  • Be easy to use and intuitive.
  • Integrate easily with the existing technology.

Clarity BT’s Head of demand and resource, James Carney, tells us how SVL supported them to transform their contact centre planning processes by implementing Calabrio WFM.

A Supportive Relationship

We were drawn to the SVL team due to their supportive and knowledgeable approach.

The communication we had from the start was fun and collaborative with SVL. They aren’t sales heavy or pushy, the team work with you to understand your goals and offer valuable suggestions and insights.

SVL had a lot of experience supporting other organisations with successful WFM integrations so partnering with them was an easy decision to make for us.

Market Leading Workforce Management

SVL suggested Calabrio WFM as it was a market leading solution that aligned well with our business objectives.

It is incredibly user friendly, which was very important to us, as we had no contact centre workforce planning solution in place. We had to ensure that the solution would be easy for users to adopt.

Thanks to SVL’s training and onboarding process, our full team were able to start using the solution quickly and we’ve had brilliant feedback. People especially like the extra transparency and autonomy they have over their shifts, holidays, and schedules.

The team can now easily manage their workload and request changes, receiving decisions straight away through Calabrio’s automated scheduling system.

Saving Projected Recruitment and Salary Costs with Forecasting

Through Calabrio, we’ve been able to complete in-depth data analysis and create detailed forecasts which has helped us save on projected recruitment and salary costs.

After agreeing initial budgets and FTE requirements, through regular reforecasting and ongoing optimisation with Calabrio WFM we can easily and quickly identify up to date requirements vs. the original plan.

As a result of investing in Calabrio WFM we have made significant savings on the projected recruitment and salary costs through better forecasting, shift management and overtime requirements.

Proactive Instead of Reactive

With the Calabrio WFM platform, we can be proactive and spot potential problems like being understaffed or a spike in calls, before they become problems.

I can look at resource across our branches, and check forecasts against live data and demand to make on the spot decisions about additional agents or switching people from calls to mail communication for example.

This allows us to improve our overall efficiency and productivity in the contact centre.

Contact Centre Industry Expertise

The fact the SVL team are so experienced in contact centre planning is a real added benefit.

I can trust the team to give me insights and support that not only address our needs but consider wider developments within the contact centre and planning industries.

We’ll soon be onboarding more teams onto Calabrio and I have every confidence that the SVL team will support us through it all and that the migration will be seamless.

I am continually looking to utilise Calabrio’s features, both existing and new, to create more efficiencies and I know that I can ask the SVL team for their guidance.

Lean on SVL for WFM support

Get in touch with our team to learn more about WFM, and how this can improve efficiency in your contact centre.